Private Listing Portal for Recovery and Reentry Housing
We offer a restricted search portal, where specialized housing options such as recovery and halfway homes, set-aside units, and other housing for special populations are only searchable by authorized users. This platform facilitates landlord recruitment, creates a centralized database of privately searchable housing options and tracks client placements.
- Properties listed on a private registry are password protected and not publicly searchable.
- Landlord accounts are tied to the restricted portal, ensuring their listings are viewable only by authorized users.
- Agencies have the option to approve properties prior to posting.
- Track client placements and record referrals made to properties.
- Caseworker setup and training are included.
- Listings can be synced with licensure databases or certifications.
- Property providers can list detailed screening criteria and update vacancies or bed availabilities in real-time.
- Users can search by specialized fields such as eligibility requirements, supportive services, property restrictions, and more.
- Searchable designations can be created for facilities with certifications and other specializations.
- Automated reports are provided to track portal activity.
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