Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Landlords / Realtors

How much does it cost to search for housing on the site?

There is never a fee to list! is a free service.

How long will it take after I enter the property for it to be viewable by the public?

Once the property listing form is completed and submitted, your listing will be immediately viewable on  Update listings anytime and view your changes immediately.

How long will it take until I get phone calls from prospective tenants?

This depends on several factors in your community such as the number of properties on the market and how desirable your property is compared to others. Make sure to add photos to your listings to generate more interest.

How do I make changes to my listing, like changing the deposit amount, etc?

As a registered property provider, you can manage and update your online account 24-hours-a-day, seven days a week.

What personal information of mine will be posted on the web?

Basic contact information must be provided in order for prospective tenants to reach you. This includes a point of contact, phone number and e-mail address is optional. However, you control your property contact information and can post updates at any time.

I don't have any vacancies. Why should I add my properties to this listing? is an efficient and free service to maintain a complete inventory of your properties!
To reduce inquiries, listings are hidden from view when rented or under repair. When there are vacancies, you can quickly re-activate listings and they immediately become viewable to prospective tenants.
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Unlock a world of housing opportunity for your communities by joining the MyHousingSearch network powered by Emphasys Software’s Housing Locator suite. This comprehensive suite of services is tailored specifically for housing finance agencies, housing authorities, state and local agencies, and supportive-service organizations. These game-changing solutions are designed to revolutionize the way you approach housing, ensuring that every individual in your community can find safe, affordable, and suitable accommodation. The MyHousingSearch/Housing Locator Solution empowers you to connect people with the homes that meet their needs effortlessly.
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