The State of Arizona Department of Housing has contracted with, a program of Non-Profit Industries, Inc., to manage their affordable and public housing listings encompassing some 30,000+ units statewide., the first nonprofit Web-based service of its kind to successfully connect low-income families with affordable housing, already serves housing markets in North Carolina including the Charlotte (Mecklenburg, Gaston and Union Counties) and Asheville metro areas (Buncombe, Transylvania, Madison and Henderson Counties). Socialserve also serves areas across the country such as St. Louis, Kansas City and soon, Denver, Colorado.’s service lists affordable properties in a searchable online format. Listing and searching for properties is free to users, and also offers assistance via toll free phone, fax, mail and email. Experience's user-friendly service at or call 704.334.8722.


Non-Profit Industries d.b.a. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit that provides technology solutions to state governments, local governments and housing authorities. Established in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1999, incorporates leading-edge software development and top-notch customer care and was recently named a “Best Practice” by the US Conference of Mayors and was awarded "Site of the Month" by the National Housing Institute.’s frontrunning service, an Affordable and Section 8 Housing Listing, is available to users online—24 hours a day, 7 days a week—and through a Toll Free Call Center, fax, mail and email. also provides services such as a searchable Agency Database for the listing of details about the offerings of supportive service agencies, a LeadSafe Listing, a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and Technology Consulting. The company's unique nonprofit software, database and Web site development services tailor options to cost-effectively meet the Information Technology (IT) development needs of state and local governments. has recently won contracts to develop new software and database applications for the City of Charlotte, the City of Denver and the State of Arizona, among others.

Support for comes from a combination of corporate sponsors such as Fannie Mae and Bank of America, fees for service, and grant funding.