Charlotte, NC (August 2016) – The 2016 Emphasys HFA User Conference will feature the first ever Housing Locator track, dedicated to the services in the Emphasys Housing Locator Suite.

The conference, an annual event for existing users of Emphasys products, will take place in Miami, FL, November 1-4, 2016. The inaugural Housing Locator track will incorporate a full program of sessions about services that increase access to critically needed housing in communities around the nation: the Housing Locator, PAIR (Prescreening, Assessment, Intake and Referral), RentComp rent reasonableness services, and the new Residential Care Finder.

"We're constantly releasing new innovations for the housing continuum, and this event is a wonderful platform for our team to share and grow those new developments with our clients," said Marketing Director Beth Leysieffer.

For information about the 2016 Emphasys HFA User Conference, visit

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