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Housing Locator

Housing locator search and listing tools are free to use, online or through a tollfree, English and Spanish call center (M-F, 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time).

Listings can include photos and details about rent and deposits, amenities, accessibility features, and much more.

Search Screenshot

A Basic search is a quick way to find properties by size, rent, and ZIP Code. Entering the fewest criteria will return the most results.

Advanced searches offer criteria such as appliances and furnishings, pet friendliness, and whether the landlord requires a credit or criminal check. Accessible searches filter for a broad range of accessibility features.

Searches can be viewed or started from a map to find location-specific housing. Results can be sorted by rent, address, date-available, and more, and waitlisted units can be hidden as desired. Listings can be saved for side-by-side comparisons.

The housing locator functions the same for the public and for restricted-access users except for Special-Needs searches (mentioned below).

Visit our Trainings page to request a complimentary training for your agency staff to make sure you are getting the most of this service.

Housing Locator

The following features are available via subscription or, in some cases, at no cost to your agency. To apply to become an agency user and for more information about these services, please visit here.

Saved Searches

Didn't find the unit you were looking for? The Saved Search feature sends email alerts to authorized users when listings meeting their criteria are added or updated.

Saved Search Screenshot

Special Needs

Special-Needs search filters allow authorized caseworkers to search for units with landlords who, upon registering to list on the Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center, have indicated a willingness to privately promote units to populations with specific needs.

This is one of the most requested agency-user features. It is a way to help agency personnel begin landlord relationships that will ultimately foster stable living conditions for people in need.

Special Needs Screenshot

While units marketed to special populations are also listed for the general public, the populations they choose to promote to are never publicly shared on listings. Marketing units to populations does not indicate affiliation with any type of licensed agency, program, or housing with services.

Rent Reasonableness

The Rent Reasonableness tool complies with HUD guidelines for Section 8/Housing Choice rent reasonableness determinations. This tool provides printable documentation and includes many features to streamline the determination process. For more information regarding this tool, please contact

LA County Community Development Commission  |  L.A. County  |  City of Los Angeles  |  Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles
 | City of Pasadena  |  Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department  | 
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