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OK, the house has been rented, but what does it cost to move in? The following represents one scenario of costs associated with moving into a 'typical two-bedroom property with gas heat. It is critical that we support programs and initiatives in our communities that assist low-income individuals and families in defraying these costs!

Costs can vary dramatically depending on many variables, most especially city, location and credit history. These figures represent a non-scientific survey, we called around, of rates for the types of services listed. Your actual mileage may vary.

Description: Cost: Cost Per Category: Cumulative Totals:
Application Fee (1) $30    
Credit/Criminal/Work History (2) $20
Security Deposit (3) $681
1st Month Rent (3) $681
Electric Deposit - gas heat (4) $125    
Gas Deposit - Gas heat (4) $175*
Phone Deposit (4) $90+
Water Deposit (4) $75
    $465 $1877
Renter's Insurance (5) $150    
Moving Fees (6) $150
Transportation Costs (7) $50
    $350 $2227
Stove - Used (8) $150    
Refrigerator - Used (8) $175    
    $325 $2552
GRAND TOTAL:     $2552

The Fine Print:

This estimate does not include the cost of:

For help, call 1-877-428-8844 (toll free)
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Dial 7-1-1 for TTY. made possible by:
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency  |  Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development
 | Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency  |  Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
 | Pennsylvania Professional Affordable Housing Management Association  |  Pennsylvania-Delaware Affordable Housing Management Association  | 
Toll-Free: 1.877.428.8844 - Toll-Free Fax: 1.866.265.7811 - TDD/TTY: 7-1-1 [ Opens new browser window Relay Service ]
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