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Contact our Outreach Team
For Landlords
Learn about...
  • The ease of listing and searching for properties using criteria such as rent, proximity to public transit, building type, and other amenities.
  • Services through the toll-free call center, from adding and updating housing listings to assisting with housing location.
  • How the service is being marketed to housing seekers.
For Agencies
Learn about...
  • Search tools to connect clients to housing they need.
  • Specific search fields for criteria like affordability, proximity to public transit, building type, and units that don't require credit or background checks.
  • Special-needs search services that identify landlords who may be interested in serving specific populations.
  • The toll-free, bilingual call center that keeps housing listings up to date, helps tenants locate housing, and more.
Fair Housing
Nevada Division of Housing  | 
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