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Three Ways Your Housing Authority Can Benefit:

(Please Note: partners with to provide this service)
Number one Free up Loads of Staff Time
  • Our staff can take over the tedious and time-consuming responsibility of listing and updating available properties. Landlords can list and update their vacancies online or by calling our toll free call center for assistance. We update the availability of each active listing every ten working days so that you can be sure your voucher holders are viewing up-to-date housing information and determining reasonable rents is SO easy you won't believe it.
  The Second Way to Better Serve Voucher Holders
"I think that this is a great service . . . I had no problems finding a house . . . Thank You!" ~ Alfonzo
  • Our call center housing specialists spend time on each call to assist voucher holders with detailed searches that meet their unique needs. Housing information is provided over the phone, online, by fax, mail and even email!
  • Voucher holder information is saved in a database for future housing searches.
  • The call center takes client requests to heart, always spending extra time and going the extra mile to ensure that their needs are served.
  • The call center's detailed search experience will substantially reduce the work load of Section 8 housing specialists because we will make sure that the properties selected meet the voucher criteria for each client we assist.
  Number three Better Serve Landlords
"I can’t believe this service is free. My inquiries went through the roof when the listing switched to! I rented ALL of my properties within a week's time. I truly appreciate this service." ~ Jim Moutos - Asheville, NC
  • Our service caters to landlord's needs. If the landlord prefers to list through our toll-free call center, then the landlord or their representative can give us a call and we will list and update their properties by phone.
  • If a client has a specific question regarding a property listing, landlord information, or possible listing mistakes, the landlord will be contacted immediately to address the issue and the tenant will be made aware of the result.
" has been a lifesaver. Instead of trying to maintain all properties available for rent on a limited spreadsheet, has been able to take that task and make it so simple for all owner / landlords and the staff at Greensboro Housing Authority. Our owners / landlords have been very pleased with the "user-friendly" format, and the fact that they can go online to make any changes is a great benefit. Thank you, for your professionalism, and your excellent customer service! Keep up the good work; you've made my job a lot easier!"
Linda Long
Admissions Coordinator
Greensboro Housing Authority
" has provided an effective and accurate tool for use in determining reasonable rents during the five months that it has been utilized at the Housing Authority of Dekalb County, Georgia. It's effectiveness has clearly surpassed that of the previous system, and your graciousness in explaining the use of the service is greatly appreciated. I would highly recommend to other Housing Authorities to use in determining reasonable rents for Housing Choice properties."
Steve Harben
Inspection Manager
Housing Authority of Dekalb County
"I found the site very easy to log into and I have updated my information. This site is very well done and very easy to "get around in." Thank you for this service."
Leanne F. Brozek
Executive Director
Stromsburg Housing Authority
"My compliments to everyone at for providing such a wonderful service for the people in the Palmetto State. During Hurricane Katrina, our state like many experienced a desperate need for additional housing and we needed housing yesterday. By utilizing this online service we were able to meet the needs of displaced persons a lot quicker and in an efficient manner. And don't forget FREE. What more can you ask for?"
Risa Locklear
Special Projects Coordinator
S.C. State Housing Finance
and Development Authority

Three Easy Steps to Make the Switch!

  • Copy the letter we provide you onto your letterhead and insert dates to begin phasing out your current list and begin switching over to our service.
  • Mail letter with end of month checks and provide us with landlord contacts (name, company name and phone number). We will follow up with all letter recipients by phone to answer questions, assist the property providers with registering and list their properties.
  • Begin referring all landlords and voucher holders to the website or to our toll-free call center to list and locate HCVP and/or other rental housing. It really is that simple.
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